Messy, Unorganized Tupperware Drawer
Neat and Tidy Tupperware Drawer
To be honest, this endeavor took me a grand total of 5 minutes--and only that long because my little G3 was helping (read: whipping out lids and flinging them like Frisbees, then retrieving like a family dog, and finally placing them into my outstretched hands.) Why is the Tupperware drawer so damn difficult to keep straight in the first place? See below:Moments After the Great Re-Organization, A Small Hand Appears...
That's why. Oh well, what childhood would be complete without one's very own drawer of unbreakable and non-life threatening items to toss about?
My other reorganization efforts, yet to be attempted, include the following locations--pantry, laundry room, and under the sink:
I have made a promise to myself that these three areas will be neatened and pleasing to the eye by Friday (color-coding and alphabetizing is unlikely.) Finding time will be trickier since my son's nickname this week is Baby-No-Nap and I don't think his assistance in rearranging the Clorox and Cascade would behoove either of us. I cannot promise after pics due to sending my camera off to be replaced or repaired--whichever gift Sony decides to repay me with.
So, at the near halfway point of the week, I have accomplished...tidying up the Tupperware drawer. Whoo hoo! I feel thinner, greener, and oh so much richer already! (Oh yeah, and running twice, doing about 700 loads of laundry, and round the clock tending to Baby-No-Nap who is also being dubbed Baby-Whines-A-Lot-For-No-Reason. Okay, he's teething, he has a reason. Still, tough on Mommy.)
Side Note: Yay for spell-checker!! I have apparently been spelling Tupperware "tupperwear" all these years. Nice. I'll take this moment to inform everyone that I actually graduated from college with a bachelor's degree. Just in case you were wondering.
1 comment:
oh my god you have a lot of junk!
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