Friday, August 8, 2008


Welcome to the world of attempting to improve and change your small step at a time!

Sounds pretty cheesy, huh? Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Lindsay and I am a 30-something stay-at-home mom. I have a husband (we'll call him G2) and a son (known as G3). I have a dog and a cat. Back in my pre-mom life, I was a veterinary technician and did all kinds of fun stuff like animal anesthesia and venipuncture and other gory tasks. I live in Northeastern PA. I am a writer at heart.

I have quite a few blogs. I have one that is for family and friends, chock full of cute little baby stories about my 1-year old. I have one that is my "travel journal"--basically, instead of handwriting my memories while on vacation, I now blog about them. I have a pregnancy blog, which only lasted 9 months for obvious reasons. I have a secret, nobody-can-read-it blog that is in essence, my diary (though I confess I have not posted in that one for several years.) I also have a dream blog--a place I used to chronicle my dreams. Another ghost blog--there is only so much time to write.

Which brings me to this blog. I had an idea a few weeks ago, that a better way to accomplish the changes I want to see in my life would be to pick one small goal at a time, more specifically--one goal a week. My three major hurdles in life are being healthy (not just being skinny, but being HEALTHY), becoming more green, and saving money. As a stay-at-home-mom, my financial contribution to the house is pretty much limited to what I sell on EBay and the money I win at slot machines (which, to be honest, has only happened once--both because I don't really gamble and I'm not particularly lucky.)

A friend turned me on to moneysavingmom and I thought I'd give this blogging-for-profit thing a whirl. In the back of my mind I had lofty visions of writing about my goals each week and how my life was or was not changing little by little. Then at the end of the year I'd turn it into a book and publish it and the next thing you know, I'd be on Oprah's couch! But let's get real. Despite a lifelong goal of wanting to write a book, the early years of being a stay-at-home mom are probably not the ones I'm going to find lots of peace, quiet, time and concentration.

So, blogging it is! I welcome you to join me in my efforts to become healthier, greener, and small step at a time!

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